Tuesday ended up being my most productive day. In the morning Topo arrived early with more old saris for gluing. Then after a failed attempt at going to the printer on Monday the opportunity finally presented itself. I was escorted Read more…
The End of an Era
Today a leader in West Bengali politics died. Mr. Jyoti Basu was 95 and an important figure of the Communist party. He was instramental in organizing land reform. There is a write-up in the NY Times at this address: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/18/world/asia/18basu.html?ref=asia With Read more…
More Images of the Neighborhood
I got a tour of the neighborhood this evening with explanations of local businesses that I could not decipher on my own. The biggest mystery was this shop with beautiful wood and glass cases. An Ayurvedic Dr. with all his Read more…
Everywhere you turn the potential for something magical appears. This view was glimpsed from the window of a contemporary art gallery. It is a Jain temple inspired by the medieval temples of Orissa (A neighboring state known for it’s very Read more…
The Harrington Street Art Center Opens
Monday Night, My first social event here in Kolkata, everyone for the art community was there. Housed in a grand British Colonial mansion in the center of the city and here is where the ironies abound. Started by a Read more…
A Sunday Stroll in the Neighborhood
There is much street culture here in Kolkata and it appears that you could spend most of your time outdoors as many people do and some are forced to do. Small stalls set-up to cook food, fix your shoes, cover your Read more…
Sun, Warmth, Kolkata
My flight to Kolkata was delayed due to fog but what a relief to arrive to warm weather. My stay here is being sponced by an art organization called Khoj Kolkata. They have rented a small flat in south Kolkata Read more…
Modern whether old or new
Again more fog on Thursday but that did not stop the excursion. First the Lotus Temple a contemporary structure built by followers of the Bhahi religion. A serene meditative place that is a marvel of engineering. Made of poured in Read more…
Traffic and Lunch with a Minister of Parliament
Invited along for a conference on trends in the textile industry. I spent the morning listening to politicians speak regarding export policies in textile. Not exactly the trends I was hoping to hear about. However an invitation to lunch at Read more…